What an exciting evening with absolutely wonderful images!  The Judge Peter Weaver APAGB CPAGB LRPS from Bristol, who has judged for 35 years and judged many battles said the images were the best he had ever seen between two clubs!

What an accolade for both us and Bridgwater!

We welcomed about 5 members from Bridgwater who turned up at the hall, I’m not sure how many joined in on Zoom though as I had a lot to do and didn’t count. I even forgot to stop the recording during the break, so it should be easier for me to edit that out. Always harder to find small snippets to edit!

Anyway, Peter’s marks ranged from 17 to 20 – the maximum. It was a close contest and it kept going from Taunton in front to Bridgwater, but at the end we did it and ran out winners by 7 points!

Well done all our photographers with special mention to George Reekie with the maximum 20 points for Lift Off; Hoopoe with Prey; Good Day for Staying in and Wendy Allard with Fading Memories.

I have attached both the scoring for each club and the running totals, also the list of Taunton images with the photographers and scores.

I am working my way through rendering the videos for YouTube and will let you know when everything is ready and uploaded.

Just a little blip at the beginning when Bridge decided to freeze on the first run, but after restarting it, it worked fine, phew! Always the way, works fine in trials and then when you want it to go smoothly well…………..

See you tomorrow at the Carvery and possibly at Lyme Regis on Friday!

Well done Taunton!


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